Rev. Dr. Corey Douglas Ingold
Pastor of Monticello Presbyterian Church
Beginning November 20, 2023

The Session and members of Monticello Presbyterian Church are overjoyed to announce that Rev. Dr. Corey Ingold has been elected to serve as our new minister.
Corey comes to us from Georgetown Presbyterian Church in Georgetown, S.C. where he has served as pastor and head of staff since 2018. Corey graduated from Columbia Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 1992 and from Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia with a Doctor of Ministry in 2004. Corey and his wife, Nancy, have been married since 1992. Corey grew up in Charlotte, N.C., and Nancy comes from Lithonia, Georgia. Corey and Nancy love Braves baseball (they met at a game) and UGA football. They have two married daughters and one grandchild.
Their eldest daughter, Anna is married to Ben and is the mother of Alex (17 months). She works as an Occupational Therapist in Summerville, SC where they live. Ben and Anna are both UGA graduates. Their younger daughter, Blair is married to Tom and works in Kings Cross, London at Portland Hospital as a Governance Facilitator which is a form of hospital administration. Blair graduated from Queens University in Charlotte.
This search process has been led by God since our first meeting last October. As a committee we felt that God had already selected our new pastor; we needed only to discern the candidate He was revealing to us. Corey has a deep call to pastoral ministry, and he feels called to come to us. He is grounded in reformed theology and compassion. The PNC feels blessed and grateful to have such a candidate of integrity coming to serve with us. The PNC is confident that he and Nancy will be great assets to our church and ministry. We know MPC will love and welcome them.
Rev. John E. McCrosky
Belinda McDaniel
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Sanvidge
Pianist and Music Director
Kathy was born and raised in Xenia, Ohio, and was nurtured in faith at Second United Presbyterian Church/Memorial United Presbyterian Church. She attended Monticello Presbyterian Church since moving to Georgia in 1987. Kathy married Ken at MPC and raised 3 boys in this congregation.
Kathy’s parents generously provided piano lessons, and she is pleased to share the fruit of that investment with MPC during worship.
Lisa Kelly
Bell Choir Director
Lisa moved to Monticello in 1987 when she graduated from college. She came here to teach K-12 choral/general music. Lisa began visiting MPC shortly after she moved here. She believes she was singing in the choir on her 2nd or 3rd Sunday! Since then, she has directed the community Christmas cantata when our church hosted, been a member of the adult choir, and has worked with the children’s choir. Lisa rang bells many years ago and is glad to be a part of this talented group again as the director. She met her husband at MPC also. You just never know what great things God has in store for you when you come to his house with an open heart.
David Aldridge
Financial Manager
David is a nearly life-long member of MPC, and has served the church as elder, Sunday school teacher, and, since 2001 as our financial manager or treasurer. With his wife, Linda, who is an active member, they have raised four children, Jason, Grace, Olivia, and Julia to think of MPC as their second home and family.