Calling all young people!
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Join Mary Greeson and Meridy Long and volunteers in the Deep Blue Room in the Monticello First United Methodist Church for Bible stories, videos, songs, games, crafts and snacks!
Sunday, 5:00- 6:30, pm
Middle School and High School Youth Group
All 9th – 12th graders are invited to the Youth House of the Monticello First United Methodist Church for Bible study – The Salvation of Dr. Who – mission projects, fun activities, and snacks. Jordana Pope leads the group with a cadre of volunteers.
Sunday, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Are you a young person, 6th grade- 12th grade, struggling to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Do you wonder what it means to be a part of his Body, the Church? Join us in the big classroom with the giant TV (first floor) where your questions, doubts, fears, wonderments, bewilderments, jokes, and insights are ALWAYS welcome! This class prepares young people who wish to explore their faith for adult membership in the church.
Sunday, noon, December 4, 11, and January 8 and 22.
- Mini Mission Trip
Each summer our Salt Shakers go on a three day Mini-mission work camp here in Georgia. They stay in a cabin or lake house and go to different outreach ministry worksites.
Middle School and High School Youth – grades 6 – 12
Our middle schoolers and high schoolers are meeting with the young people of the Monticello First United Methodist Church on Sunday evenings, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Weekly meetings will include recreational events and Bible study.
Summer Mission Workcamp

Children in grades 3 – 8 who participate in our Children’s Choir are invited to go to Mabel Boyter Choir Camp at Reinhardt University. This camp runs from Sunday through Friday during one week in the summer.
grades 9-12
Our high schoolers will travel to Little Rock, Arkansas – Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center during the summer of 2017.
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Camps and Retreats – Our youth participate in NEGA Presbytery Youth Retreats, Montreat Youth Conference, Atlanta Chorister’s Guild Choir Camp, and a variety of other opportunities
Children’s Worship – Volunteers lead children ages 3-6 in worship during the sermon time of the worship service